New Township Address Signs for Shoreline in 2022
Example sign
Distributed to Lakefront property owners in summer 2022
An improvement for emergency response for lakefront properties
In 2021 the Town Board of the Town of LaGrange passed an ordinance directing the posting of street address signs on the waterfront side of lake properties. Emergency response systems can only locate properties by the street address so this is a critical need for getting assistance most quickly to those in need.
In the summer of 2022 the signs were prepared and the LLIA volunteered to assist with sign distribution to homeowners.
Lakefront homeowners are responsible to post the signs with these parameters from the Township:
Within ten (10) feet of shore
At least four (4) feet off the ground
Not recommended to attach directly to piers especially if piers are removed for winter
Note 1: Certain lake addresses are in Sugar Creek Township. Signs for these addresses will be available in 2023.
Note 2: The LL signs can/will still be used to informally identify properties and are sequenced counter-clockwise around the lakes per the mail delivery numbering they were originally based on. These numbers are not linked to emergency response systems.