“A healthy lake depends on a healthy surrounding area!”
New: Learn about Shoreline Gardening! Click Here for new resource references.
Property Committee Responsibility: Advise lake area residents of property maintenance concerns, working in conjunction with other committees. Alert residents of what to do to maintain property. Keep lake properties in line with accepted guidelines such as not having excessive weed growth or destruction of natural areas. Promote the Lauderdale Lake's health now and in the future by not creating lake clarity problems or pest areas.
Opportunity for Community Involvement: Identify invasive plant species and participate in annual removal treatment programs. Secure your garbage so wildlife cannot access and create a health hazard.
Wisconsin Restricted Aquatic Plant Brochure
Purple Loosestrife Invasive Species Management
DNR Aquatic Plant Chemical Treatment Permit
Burning Permits
Some residents in The Town of LaGrange burn leaves and brush during the fall clean up season. Remember that a BURNING PERMIT is required BEFORE you start burning leaves etc. Burning permits are issued at the General Store located at the corner of Hwy 12 and County H in LaGrange. The burning permits are issued at NO COST, and they have a three-day limit. Permits may be issued in advance.
Residents are reminded that burning permits allow one to burn material on your property and not on the Town roads or roadsides.