Spongy Moth and Chemical Dangers to Lauderdale lakes

Spongy Moths: What to Expect in 2023 - WEBINAR held March 8, 2023 by the UWM Walworth County Extension and the WI-DNR.

Mike Hillstrom, DNR Forest Health Specialist, and PJ Liesch, UW-Madison Entomologist, provided information about spongy moths (formerly called gypsy moths). They discussed their life cycle and many different options for management, including how to determine if you need to do something and the different tools you can use. In regard to chemical options, please remember that chemical management options are the last resort and considerations need to be given to their impact on non-target organisms and the surrounding environment. Also note that the label on any chemical pesticide is the law, which gives you important safety and application information. 

Click here to view the webinar recording on YouTube

The following website also has what you need to know about spongy moths: https://spongymoth.wi.gov/Pages/home.aspx

Prior year communications

Walworth County Press Release - Spongy Moths - Late June 2022

Dangers of Pyrethrins - An excerpt from Shorelines Summer 2021

Spongy Moth - An excerpt from Shorelines Spring 2022