The LLIA Annual Meeting 2020

Dear LLIA Members,

We were looking forward to seeing many of you at our Annual Member's Meeting scheduled for June 13, 2020.  In light of the current pandemic, the Executive Committee decided it was prudent to not attempt a meeting this year.  While we considered holding a "virtual meeting", we know the interaction we all enjoy just wouldn't be the same and planning a meeting later in the summer while this situation is still unfolding is not practical.

While we won't be able to meet in person, there are several items we need you to vote on that can be accomplished online to keep our organization running.  They are:

1.      Approve the cancellation of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Association and related meeting of the Board of Directors.

2.      Approve the minutes of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association.

3.      Elect the slate of Directors placed in nomination for even numbered Districts for the 2020-2022 term. (The slate of candidates is listed below)

You can vote at any time prior to end of day on Monday, June 15th, using the link below.  To vote, you must be a member in good standing, meaning you've paid your 2020 membership dues. 

After we've tabulated the votes, we will report the results in a brief Special Edition of ShoreLines.  We'll also cover items we would have shared with you at the Annual Meeting ... the Treasurer's Report, accomplishments since the 2019 Annual Meeting, and any important updates from our Committee Chairs.

If you might be interested in serving a Director, please contact Jim Dion at with any questions.

COVID-19 will undoubtedly impact activities and events around the lake this summer. The Kid's Fish Jamboree has been converted to the “Family Fishes Together” Kids Fishing Contest to be held on the original date of Saturday, July 18th. Click here for more info.

I also encourage you to check the websites of other lake organizations to get up-to-the-minute information on any changes to their scheduled activities.

Enjoy your summer, but please stay safe as we navigate through these uncertain and changing times.  We look forward to seeing everyone at our 2021 LLIA Annual Meeting, which will be Saturday, June 12, 2021, at Lutherdale.

Warm Regards,

Debbie Ferrari

LLIA President

Director Nominations

District 2: LL 35-78

Jeff and Kelly Adams, Scott & Sue Csanda, Jackie Rumer

District 4: LL 116-202

Kathy and Mike Alagna, Pete Spaulding

District 6: LL 355-389A

Charlotte Anderson, Patricia Cady, Gary Storandt

District 8: LL 533-560

Bob Brockman, Patty Hargrave

District 10: LL 721-756

Dave DeAngelis, Ron Mueller

District 12: LL 785-819

Walker Johnson, Dan Lohens

District 14: LL 855-881

Mike Barrett, Erin & Oscar Cantu

District 16: LL 912-950

Open - Seeking volunteers!

District 18: MH 1-129

Lynette Rullmann

District 20: LB 3-52

Open - Seeking volunteers!